
Dedicated to improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Promotoras hold training in human subjects research, ethics in research, study recruitment, qualitative data collection (semi-structured interviews, focus groups, photovoice), rapid qualitative data analysis, survey data collection, and randomized controlled trials.

Our team of promotoras collaborates with academic institutions, public health professionals, doctors and doctors-in-training (medical students, residents), premedical students, community agencies, and healthcare systems. 

  • Sonia Rodriguez

    “Dios te dio inteligencia y felicidad. ¡Encuentrala! La escondió dentro de ti, desde entonces el hombre se pasa la vida buscando la felicidad sin darse cuenta que la lleva consigo.”

    “God gave you intelligence and happiness. Find it! He hid it inside you, since then people spend their life looking for happiness without realizing that they carry it with themselves.”

  • Solangel Cruz

    “Mi lema es: Eres una mujer valiente, lucha por tus sueños y llegarás lejos en la vida.”

    “My motto is: You are a brave woman, fight for your dreams and you will go far in life.”

  • Nancy Del Castillo

    "El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz." Frase de uno de los presidentes de México, Benito Juarez.

    “Respect for the rights of others is peace.” Quote from past Mexican president, Benito Juarez.

  • Maria Molina

    “Mi fuerza en la vida, es entrar en cada hogar fortaleciendo su salud.”

    “My strength in life is to enter every home strengthening their health.”

  • Mary Bautista

    “El poder servir a la comunidad es mi pasión. Juntos hacemos el cambio por un futuro mejor.”

    "Being able to serve the community is my passion. Together we make change for a better future."

  • Ana Gonzalez

    “Motivar e inspirar a otras personas a superarse.”

    “Motivate and inspire others to excel.”

  • Yesenia Pozar

    “Mi orgullo es ser purépecha y mi misión en esta vida es dar confianza a mi gente para que ellos alcen su voz contra sus miedos.”

    "My pride is to be Purépecha and my mission in this life is to give confidence to my people so that they raise their voices against their fears."