Share, Trust, Organize, Partner:

The COVID-19 California Alliance

Stop COVID-19 CA

“Even though a lot of people I've met have been sick, they don't want to go [to the hospital]. They don’t want to go because of the same fear—fear of immigration, of being deported.”

– Member of the Latinx Community

Behind the Project

The Unidas por Salud team collaborates with the Share, Trust, Organize, Partner, COVID-19 California ALiance (STOP COVID-19 CA) to engage Latinx and Indigenous Latin American communities in health disparities research related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The STOP COVID-19 CA network includes 11 community academic partnership sites and over 75 community partners.

Principle investigator: Ann Cheney, PhD

Community Investigator: Maria Pozar

Las Promotoras: Maria Bautista, Nancy Del Castillo, Solangel Cruz, Ana Gonzalez, Maria Molina

What We’re Doing Now


Our team collaborated with community members in the Coachella Valley and a community artist to develop a toolkit to encourage COVID-19 testing and vaccination. The toolkit includes a mural and documentary.

Here is our toolkit developed by and for Farm-working communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley.

Here is our toolkit adapted by and for Service-working communities in the Western Coachella Valley.

Community Reports

COVID-19 Testing and Outreach with Farm-Working Communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley

Findings from our initial study in fall 2020 focused on COVID-19 testing among Latinx and Indigenous Latin American farm working communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley are reported here. 

Survey Results for the Latinx/Indigenous Latin American Community

The STOP COVID-19 CA Project: 2021 Qualitative Report

Findings from our focus group study in winter 2021 focused on the social, cultural, and structural barriers to COVID-19 testing and vaccination are reported here.

Findings from our survey in spring 2021 on attitudes and behaviors around COVID-19 testing and vaccination are presented here in a Zine.

Report of Project STOP COVID-19 CA 2022

Findings from our research in 2022 on the effects of the toolkit, which includes a mural and documentary, on COVID-19 testing and vaccination attitudes among Latinx and Indigenous Latin Americans in the Eastern Coachella Valley are reported here. 

Our team engaged community academic sites across the STOP COVID-19 CA network to evaluate the impact of being part of this network on the capacity of community academic teams to partner in research with health disparity populations in California. We used the Ripple Effects Mapping method to carry out this evaluation. Check out our findings here.

Ripple Effects Mapping


Perceptions of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 testing and vaccination in Latinx and Indigenous Mexican immigrant communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley

Gehlbach, D., Vázquez, E., Ortiz, G., Li, E., Sánchez, C. B., Rodríguez, S., Pozar, M., & Cheney, A. M. (2022). Perceptions of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 testing and vaccination in Latinx and Indigenous Mexican immigrant communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley. BMC public health, 22(1), 1019.

Continuum of Trauma: Fear and Mistrust of Institutions in Communities of Color During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Vázquez, E., Juturu, P., Burroughs, M., McMullin, J., & Cheney, A. M. (2024). Continuum of Trauma: Fear and Mistrust of Institutions in Communities of Color During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Culture, medicine and psychiatry, 48(2), 290–309.

The Role of Anti-Racist Community-Partnered Praxis in Implementing Restorative Circles Within Marginalized Communities in Southern California During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Adkins-Jackson, P. B., Vázquez, E., Henry-Ala, F. K., Ison, J. M., Cheney, A., Akingbulu, J., Starks, C., Slay, L., Dorsey, A., Marmolejo, C., Stafford, A., Wen, J., McCauley, M. H., Summers, L., Bermudez, L., Cruz-Roman, Z. L., Castillo, I., Kipke, M. D., Brown, A. F., & STOP COVID-19 CA Vaccine Hesitancy Workgroup (2023). The Role of Anti-Racist Community-Partnered Praxis in Implementing Restorative Circles Within Marginalized Communities in Southern California During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health promotion practice, 24(2), 232–243.

Partnering With Community Health Workers to Address COVID-19 Health Inequities: Experiences of the California Alliance Against COVID-19

Rodriguez Espinosa, P., Vázquez, E., AuYoung, M., Zaldivar, F., Cheney, A. M., Sorkin, D., Zender, R., Corchado, C. G., & Burke, N. J. (2024). Partnering With Community Health Workers to Address COVID-19 Health Inequities: Experiences of the California Alliance Against COVID-19. American journal of public health, 114(S1), S45–S49.

STOP COVID-19 CA: Community engagement to address the disparate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in California

Casillas, A., Rosas, L. G., Carson, S. L., Orechwa, A., North, G., AuYoung, M., Kim, G., Guereca, J. A., Ramers, C. B., Burke, N. J., Corchado, C. G., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Cheney, A., Rabin, B. A., Stadnick, N. A., Oswald, W., Cabrera, A., Sorkin, D. H., Zaldivar, F., Wong, W., … Brown, A. F. (2022). STOP COVID-19 CA: Community engagement to address the disparate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in California. Frontiers in health services, 2, 935297.